Carnival of the Nonprofit Consultants

Welcome to the Carnival of the Nonprofit Consultants. This traveling carnival was started by Kivi Leroux Miller of the Nonprofit Communications Blog to bring you the best postings on nonprofit issues each week. This week I am honored to be the guest host.

Soul Resources starts us off with Sacred cow tipping - Making a difference. The sacred cow in question? "An individual can't make a difference" - well worthy of tipping this day before elections.

Speaking of "sacred cows," a bit of controversy was kicked up recently when the Donor InSite blog posted a link to an article from Inside Collin County Business called Running a nonprofit like a business.

First, "a fundraiser" at the Don't Tell the Donor blog posted a rebuttal to the original article titled I could not disagree more, which I seconded and added to in my posting, Pressing our buttons.

Well, the Agitator disagreed with "a fundraiser" and me, and said so in his posting, We're flabbergasted. Where do you stand on this issue?

Finally, a nonprofit related article you may have missed in the tech press was a posting at ZDNet UK called Web 2.0: A step backwards for accessibility?. Sure, your organization makes its office accessible to those with special needs, but what about your web site?

Next week, Nancy Schwartz of the Getting Attention blog will be hosting the carnival with a focus on social networking tools. See the Carnival homepage for more information.

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Carnival of the Nonprofit Consultants
Carnival of the Nonprofit Consultants
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